Friday, March 5, 2010


Tuesday, March 2, 2010

2day i very happy haha....cause i feel i have already put down her ...because 2day when i talk 2 her i didn feel i have a special feeling....that is when i leave her house ,i still got an invisible pulling me towards her house...i seriously dunnoe whr the pulling feel come from...but i think better than the previous....2day when my best frien ask me when i still got a chance 2be with her what will i do??Then i ans him like this-if i still have a chance , i will still take the chance but if nt ....then just 4gt bout it...dont think of it this the answer that you all wish to listen 2?am i really can 4gt her???
i ccnt judge,hope u all judge it 4 me...thnx...last but not least ,the feeling of hurt is still got...maybe i can do it?gods noe...